
Showing posts from December, 2021

Sketch 2

    For this sketch, I have made the canon title in the middle of the print so its big and noticeable for the audience. I then drew 6 boxes (3 at the top and £at the bottom) this is so we can tell the difference  between each decade. The years 60s, 70s, and 80s will be at the top of the print. 90s, 00s and 10s at the bottom of the print. The background, will be a dark background. By doing this, it will make my photos and title stand out a lot more. 

Sketch 1

        For this sketch, i have drawn a print advert for canon. The title (Canon) is sans serif font to make it stand out. i then drew a montage for the decades of music and cameras. In the bottom right corner, I inserted a box for the information about about the camera and campaign. by doing this, it will attract my audience and gain a higher chance for them to purchase this product. 

Canon: primary research - survey results

This powerpoint is for my survery results where I analyse them to then follow onto my rationale.This is done because this wopuld help me with my campiagn that i am creating; a.k.a Canon - music. Canon primary research from JenniferFinnigam

Canon: Rationale

This is a powerpoint of my finalised ideas/pitch about this campiagn. This is done so my idea can be approved and polished for before I start my production stage. Canon rationale (2) from JenniferFinnigam

Rationale survey results

Smile rationale survey results from JenniferFinnigam I have gathered all of my survey results and presented it as a powerpoint document. This includes screenshots and annotations. 

smile rationale

Smile rationale from JenniferFinnigam This is my rationale where I pitched my idea to a room full of people. I explained my reasons for why I went withe idea, gave evidence, images etc...

smile primary research

  Smile primary research from JenniferFinnigam I used the primary research method where i fing out my own information and create evidence for why mental health is aimed at 15 to 25 year olds more likely than any other age. for his i used google forms to create the survey and i then analysed the results.